Safety Exit

What does hope sound like?

by Chandler Means on June 13, 2024

The Sound of Hope

Think about that for a moment. The sound of hope - what would it sound like? Maybe like Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Sounds like hope to me - a hope that extends beyond wishful thinking. Biblical hope is the unwavering expectation for prosperity, safety, shelter, peace, joy, love, heaven and more. 

But what if you had no hope, with no sound of its presence because your life had been marred by poverty, neglect, and abuse? Imagine a life devoid of peace, joy, love, or any semblance of safety, where the future holds no promise of goodness.

There is a movie coming to theatres July 4th called Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot.  I promise neither I nor AGAPE is getting any kickback from promoting this movie, but promote it we will because we believe in two powerful things that the movie reflects.

The stories of the children in this movie are real and raw and mirror the experiences of the children and families we support through foster care and domestic violence services.

Just like hope for a future came to the most vulnerable children in Texas through a little ole church in Possum Trot, we believe that God’s people can extend the same hope and expectation of the future to foster children in Middle Tennessee through the services of AGAPE, the love of Christ and the compassion of His Church. There are more than 2,000 children in foster care in Middle Tennessee (> 8,000 in TN) who need to hear the sound of hope.

I’ve had the privilege of viewing this film twice at pre-screenings organized by our partners, CarePortal and the Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. There are numerous scenes in this film that are both convicting and inspiring. However, one scene remains etched in my memory: Bishop Martin preaching to his small congregation with this powerful message:

“But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

So, we will promote this movie unapologetically and with enthusiasm and give thanks to God for Bishop Martin* and First Lady Donna, for the Bennet Chapel Church and the 22 families who adopted 77 children in Possum Trot, TX.  And we will pray and hope for what the Lord will accomplish for the vulnerable children in foster care in TN through this movie and through the power of the Holy Spirit.

“But if we can’t wrap our arms around the most vulnerable amongst us, then what’d we have? 
Noise, noise, noise, noise, that’s all we have is noise,
and the children can’t take the noise anymore.”

*Bishop Martin will be our guest speaker at the Fall Southern Social on September 12.

Tags: bishop martin, agape fall southern social, sound of hope, possum trot, possum trot texas, sound of hope: possum trot, fight for kids, join the fight for kids

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